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Vermicompost is the final product of composting organic material using different types of worms, such as red wigglers (Eisenia Fetida) or earthworms, to create a homogenized blend of decomposed vegetable and food waste, bedding materials and manure. Vermicompost, similarly known as worm castings or worm manure, enriches the soil and can be used as a high grade natural, organic fertilizer. The process of producing Vermicompost is referred to as Vermicomposting.


• Soil additive, Conditioner, and Fertilizer

• Adds humus and organic matter to the soil

• Provides bioavailable nutrients to the plants and hence increases soil tilth

• Helps with water Infiltration and Retention

• Stores nutrients and keeps them safe from leeching and irrigation

• Functions to balance hormones within plant physiology, and adds beneficial biology to the soil


Vermicompost > Soil Ratio
Potting soil 1:10
Garden Soil 1:10
Side dressing plants and seedlings Releases fertilizer slowly
Tropical Broadcast on Lawn and Garden Area Releases fertilizer slowly